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Diabetes Wight Loss


Diabetes Wight Loss, a natural supplement containing properties that aid in energy and focus. It works to increase muscle strength, fat metabolization and increase mental acuity. It’s a perfect supplement for those looking for a high quality thermogenic and lipogenic fat burning supplement.*

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Diabetes Wight Loss, a natural supplement containing properties that aid in energy and focus. It works to increase muscle strength, fat metabolization and increase mental acuity. It’s a perfect supplement for those looking for a high quality thermogenic and lipogenic fat burning supplement.*

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 3.8 × 2.3 × 2.3 in
Vitamin B6

Serves as a cofactor in more than 150 enzymatic reactions associated in blood sugar regulation, immunity, cardiovascular function, neuronal health, metabolic, and digestive health (38, 40).
Reduces plasma glucose (blood sugar levels) via by inhibiting the activity of small-intestinal α-glucosidases (enzymes associated with glucose metabolism) (39)
Functions as an antioxidant by counteracting the formation of reactive oxygen species (inflammatory markers) and advanced glycation end-products (38,40)

Passion Flower Extract

Reduces stress, enhances sleep, and improves mood (248).
Enhances positive mood and sleep via regulated gamma‐aminobutyric acid receptor A (GABAA) activity (receptor which controls sleep) (248).


Supports healthy sleep patterns, immune function, and antioxidant support (256,257, 258).
Supports healthy circadian rhythms, and improves the onset, duration, and quality of sleep.
Supports immune function via improved free radical scavenging capacity (258).


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